The real stories

Steve Taylor talking about Times Beach and Agent Orange
with documentary film maker.
My name is Steven Taylor. I grew up around several of the 28 Eastern Missouri dioxin sites. As a resident at a Missouri dioxin site I was continually frustrated by the lack of transparency during the cleanup. I also came across information in old civil suits prior to the cleanup that convinced me that state and federal authorities delayed action for nearly a decade and even then limited the scope of the cleanup to protect corporate interests.
In the early 1990s I founded the Times Beach Action Group (TBAG). This group worked with other groups including Green Peace, Dioxin Incineration Response Group (DIRG) to monitor the cleanup of the eastern Missouri Dioxin sites.
In 1996, I accepted the Leo and Key Drey Award from the Missouri Coalition for the Environment for the work that the Times Beach Action Group did in doggedly pursuing the truth about the incinerator project and holding the EPA and Missouri Department of Natural Resources feet to the proverbial fire.
Decades later I continue to be contacted by individuals, and organizations about some of the findings of our research and parallels and possible connections to the controversies surrounding use of Agent Orange in Vietnam.
When contacted by interested parties, I often refer them to a variety of investigative reports that best detail TBAG's research and the murky nature and origin of the Times Beach waste.
A recent interview on St. Louis on the Air which dealt with the many Superfund Sites in Missouri inspired me to create this site to assist those interested in digging deeper into the history of the Times Beach related sites.